
Showing posts with the label The Shack

Breaking My Heart Over April Jones

The abduction of April Jones, the little girl from Machynlleth, Powys, has touched so many of us. I can't remember a news story that has touched me more, affected me so emotionally and personally, perhaps because I know what it means to lose a daughter. The title and contents of Dr. Peter Saunders blog  this morning struck me as poignant and expresses the deep emotional connection I feel with this tragedy. Tears and prayers and a feeling of helplessness. What I find especially hard is the thought of any child being put through an ordeal the likes of which I cannot imagine. As soon as the tendrils of empathic thought in my mind tentatively explore this direction of thought, they recoil as if burnt. I do not want to consider that any human being could visit such cruelty on a little child, with all their beautiful innocence and potential. The fear and incomprehension she must have felt...It makes me feel physically sick. The loss and desperation her parents must ...