Catholic School in Salford Promotes Child Grooming

We all know how bad John Arnold is as bishop of Salford. Endlessly focused on the environment, promoting ideologies at odds with Catholic teaching , closing down parishes & destroying Catholic communities in his diocese and chairman over a gradual secularisation of CAFOD . It is little wonder then to find a school in his diocese which has a Twitter basically dedicated to promoting dangerous transgender ideology. One of the books being promoted here is “Welcome to St Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure.” A book that encourages body shame, hatred and anxiety. From Mumsnet on this book we can glean what non-Catholic parents think about this book: After a wave of criticism, the first tweet (above) was deleted by the school, the second remains however (I've taken screenshots because of the likelihood of them being deleted). One immediately has to wonder why any school calling itself Catholic would be promoting a political ideology at odds with science and reason, let alone Cat...