Sunday Scripture: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

This is the fourth of my posts talking about the theology of the Sunday readings at Mass. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I sincerely hope that reading my reflection on the Scripture readings this Sunday will inspire you and help you to see how fantastic Sacred Scripture is. If you want to know how these posts came about, please read my first post in this series here . This Sunday the theme for the readings could best be summed up as: God's Love in the Ordinariness of Life The readings are: First Reading: 1 Kings 19: 4-8 Psalm: 33: 2-9; Response: v. 9 Second Reading: Ephesians 4: 30-5:2 Gospel: John 6: 41-51 First, a little preliminary survey of each of the books. I will post the same, or similar prelims week on week, for each book as we encounter them. 1 Kings is the first part of the Deuteronomist's chronicle of the rueful story of Israel's decline from the height of magnificence under Solomon to the depths of r...