
Showing posts with the label CCFather

Our unity only exists through our common profession of faith.

I would highly recommend you read Countercultural Father: Shooting Ducks in a Barrel . In it, he addresses the huge disparity and duplicity in a comment by the Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of Roehampton in London and Director of the Digby Stuart Research Centre for Religion, Society and Human Flourishing, Tina Beattie in The Tablet.  As an interesting aside, my Bishop asked me if I read The Tablet last week, I said "Only if I have to!". In other words, only ever (it seems) in complete dismay. It seems to have a political agenda completely aside from the faith which is so disappointing and misleading. Much like Tina's comments really. I'm sure Tina is a lovely lady, but I really struggle to understand why anyone who considers themselves Catholic would be even mildly interested in what she has to say, except to condemn it, or to distance themselves from it. I can't imagine being lectured to by her, I would be in a constant state of...

The Obligatory Tina Beattie Post

It seems everyone is blogging about Tina Beattie. There's some great stuff out there, and, to be honest, I'm not sure I have much to add. It does seem ironic that this happened at the same time that I had written about Fr. Kevin Hegarty's article in the Mayo News . It seems to me that many of the issues are the same: a person in a privileged position in terms of audience, speaking about something in a misleading way. I am very interested in what's going on though, so I thought I would provide you, dear reader, with my own synopsis of the best bits of the story so far. Basically, Tina had planned lectures at the University of San Diego, but they have been cancelled by Dr Mary Lyon, President of the University, because of her ‘dissent publicly’ from the Church’s moral teaching. (yeah!). The full story is on Deacon Nick Donnelly's excellent blog . Now Tina isn't happy about this, and has written a response : ‘I do not know the exact reasons for t...