
Showing posts with the label LGBT

Warnings over Radcliffe's Dangerous Propaganda Multiply

  You know something Pope Francis does is bad when Trent Horn comes out against it. You couldn't classify Trent, a full time apologist at Catholic Answers, as any kind of ideologue or extremist. He is careful, measured and informed. He does, however, recognise the extremely problematic nature of Pope Francis' selection of dissident Dominican Timothy Radcliffe for Cardinal at the next consistory. He even draws the line between Radcliffe and Cardinal Hume, while making clear the differences between their approaches. This shows how progressives like Radcliffe manipulate the legacy of respected Church men to further their own private agenda in contradiction to Catholic teaching. This deserves to be widely shared:

Pope Francis & Fr. James Martin

What on earth is the Pope doing? The Pope who has no time to see the Emeritus bishop of Hong Kong ,  the Pope who refused to meet with the senior cardinals who presented him with several dubia over his teaching , has lots of time to  write a personal letter in support of Fr James Martin SJ’s ministry to LGBTQ+ Catholics, thanking the prominent and frequently controversial Jesuit for his work and encouraging him to continue his efforts. The very BEST one could say is that Fr. Martin is clearly deeply divisive and controversial. I have posted about him numerous times, the last time just a few days ago . “I want to thank you for your pastoral zeal and your ability to be close to people,” Pope France wrote in the letter, “with the closeness that Jesus had, and which reflects the closeness of God.” Hand-written in Spanish, the letter was a reply to one the pope had received from a young relative of Fr Martin ahead of the correspondent’s Confirmation and reminding him of an LGBTQ ...

Melbourne archbishop: LGBT conversion therapy law silences ministers, parents, and doctors

Archbishop Peter Comensoli of Melbourne told The Pillar that the new legislation passed yesterday in the state of Victoria making it a crime to “engage in a practice” directed towards changing or suppressing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, infringes on religious freedom and sound medical practice. Too little too late Archbishop! At the point where the legislation has been passed, the discussion has been had and the Church has demonstrably failed in making its case. I really do think the Church has made such a mess of this whole issue. It continues to send mixed messages and consistently fails to teach appropriately. If we believe what the Church teaches it is essential that we are consistent and coherent and (someone has to) take that argument into the public sphere.  The archbishop wrote that the law “includes ill-conceived concepts of faith and conversation, vague definitions, and scientifically and medically flawed approaches. It places arbitrary limitations ...

Pastor receives death threats & is hounded out of job by LGBT mob rule

This is my friend Keith. Keith has been a "Twitter friend" for years now. He's far from radical or inciteful, I've always thought of him as a nice, regular Christian guy. He upholds Christian principles like the right to life and we often exchange tweets about pro-life issues. He's on-side, one of the good guys - thoroughly uncontroversial it has always seemed to me. Back in June he tweeted the above, like many of us, concerned about the mainstreaming of morally problematic activity and the indoctrination of children by this sexual agenda. Keith had copied a tweet from Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island, (not "nighty-nighty baby" , the other one ) reminding Christians not to "support or attend LGBTQ 'Pride Month' events held in June." He may even have picked up my own re-tweet and copied it (as an Evangelical Christian, probably best not to re-tweet Catholic hierarchy I suppose was his thinking). Anyway, as C...

UK Bishops Openly Promote LGBT Juggernaut

Lifesite have this really sad article  about the number of Catholic Dioceses with so-called "LGBT Masses". Salford, Clifton, Nottingham, Northampton, Middlesborough & Westminster dioceses are all mentioned along with sacrilegious religious artefacts daubed in the all pervading, garish LGBT rainbow and evidence of the explicit support of the bishops of all these dioceses. Of course, there is the same activity in my own diocese of Brentwood as well, where at least one priest is actively pushing the direct opposite of Church teaching and we have had a "gay Mass" in the Cathedral , although the Lifesite article doesn't mention this. To be honest I am not surprised at the news, especially as the leader of the Catholic Church in England & Wales, Vincent Cardinal Nichols, has so openly advocated for homosexuality over many years . He even openly supported a gay group banned by Cardinal Hume for opposing Catholic teaching. Of course, the justificat...

Zanchetta, the gay porn bishop, on "retreat" with Pope

I can't really believe this is even a real thing but perhaps someone can explain how Pope Francis being on retreat with Bishop Zanchetta, his friend, ally & now under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct & having gay porn images on his phone is not a scandal &/or extremely toxic for the Pontiff & the faith?   The Catholic Herald has learned that a bishop currently under investigation for sexual misconduct and financial mismanagement, including claims he had naked selfies and gay pornography on his phone, is on retreat with Pope Francis and other senior members of the Roman Curia. The bishop is Gustavo Zanchetta, emeritus of Orán, Argentina, and currently Assessor to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA) who I first reported on here . Zanchetta was an associate of Francis before he was elected Pope in 2013: he was executive undersecretary of the Argentine episcopal conference which was headed by none other than Jorge Bergo...

Brentwood Caritas Website Update

Screenshot of the picture used to advertise Brentwood's  Caritas  website, which emphasises LGBT ideology & a strong link with children. (I have obscured the faces of the children for obvious reasons). It seems almost divine providence that, further to my last post , Cardinal Müller (former prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ) has given an interview  on the abuse crisis and its link to homosexuality in priesthood. In this interview he states: The LGBT ideology is based upon a false anthropology which denies God as the Creator. Since it is in principle atheistic or perhaps has only to do with a Christian concept of God at the margins, it has no place in Church documents. This is an example of the creeping influence of atheism in the Church, which has been responsible for the crisis of the Church for half a century. Unfortunately, it does not stop working in the minds of some shepherds who, in their naive belief of being modern, do no...

C9 Cardinal: Final Synod Document Contains Language Riddled with Agenda!

Pope Francis shares a word with Bishop Bruno Forte, Cardinal Oswald Gracias and Bishop Frangiskos Papamanolis (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino) Oh look! What a surprise! The final document of the 2018 Synod of Bishops contains language about “sexual orientation” “synodality” and “discernment” that doesn’t result from input from participants in the synod hall! Asked who was responsible for inserting such language, Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai, India, speculated it was the officials charged by Francis with overseeing synod operations, beginning with Italian Cardinal Lorenzo ( the book thief ) Baldifacedliar Baldisseri, the man who lied about the inclusion of the secular (and heretical) terminology "LGBT"'s inclusion in the Instrumentum Laboris (the working document of the synod). Speaking to Crux , Gracias said that when the bishops inside the synod received the draft, umbrage was voiced over the new language. “There was some resistance when it was publicise...

Rainbow Crosses?

'No one in the Vatican wears a badge saying, "I am gay"'. Just because pratically every appointment I have made, just because the Synod seems to promote 'gay' issues, just because my PR men promote 'gay', it means nothing, No dots to join ... — Monsignor Ferrari (@ServizioVatican) October 17, 2018 Part of me is saying that this is a kind of a trap, but it is worth noting anyway, I'll tell you why. I'm being told this represents something called the Cursillo Apostolate   (never heard of that before). The Vatican are saying it's the cross of World Youth Day and the colours symbolise the different countries? 🌈 cross worn by Pope: Green for Mexico and C. America Yellow for Caribbean Red for Andes region Blue for Southern Cone region 🌈 — Jason Calvi (@JasonCalvi) October 17, 2018 A friend said today that the colours are not in the correct order for the gay rainbow and that it...

CES document Plagiarises LGBT Lobbyists

The appalling Catholic Education Service document on homophobic bullying I blogged about here contains material directly lifted from Stonewall. Stonewall is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights lobby group in the United Kingdom. It is now the largest LGBT pressure group in Europe. It's sole purpose and agenda is to promote homosexuality, a lifestyle at odds with Catholic teaching. CES DOCUMENT STONEWALL This is hugely problematic. You can view the Stonewall website for yourself here and make the comparison - go to page 6 and you will see this is a direct lift CC Father does a good job of highlighting the inconsistencies in the language of the document here . Asks if there is some sort of link between the CES & Stonewall that we don't know about here . Notes the plagiarism here . And makes some important points about academic integrit...