
Showing posts with the label archbishop of Milan

Cardinal Martini- Don't Believe the Hype!

Cardinal Carlo Martini died last Friday aged 85. There has been much chatter about this and I thought I might chip in with my two penneth worth. I think it's terribly sad that the BBC chose to make their headline for the death of the renowned academic and biblical scholar: Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini has described the Roman Catholic Church as being "200 years behind" the times. I have to admit to being upset by this. I pre-judged the statement based on the reports, knew little about Martini, and saw scandal- which always disappoints me. Not because of discussion, or differing perspectives, which as any of fellow students of recent years will testify, I am a great advocate for, but because as Christians, we are a team and I think we have to present a broadly united front to the world, especially at this level. As I mentioned here , theology is not doctrine, and there is a time and a place for discussion. Surely this is especially important when you claim t...