
Showing posts with the label fifth commandment

Is the Death Penalty Moral?

Further to the recent terrible news of the shooting in Colorado at a screening of the new Batman film  there has been a considerable amount of discussion regarding whether the perpetrator, James Holmes, should face the death penalty or not. I became involved in a discussion with some friends, who were adamant that Homes should be killed for what he had done. Certainly I share their disgust at his crimes, but consider the death penalty to be something we do not employ in civilised society. As a Catholic, I also consider it broadly disconsonant with the fundamental dignity of all human life. I also think the Church teaches us that it is a broadly unacceptable course of action today. During the discourse, all kinds of arguments were employed to try and justify recourse to capital punishment, quoting the Council of Trent for example, and suggesting that the teaching of the Church does not change. This is correct of course, the Church's teaching does not change, but it does deve...