
Showing posts with the label Warwick Street

Sacra Liturgia: Meeting a Hero

Mgr Keith Newton presides at Pontifical High Mass for the closing of the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London. It was a busy week at work last week. I was keeping up with developments at the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London, although I wasn't able to attend myself. Some friends did though, and kept me informed regarding the content of the discussions. My Course Director from Maryvale, Fr Michael Cullinan, was one of the speakers. Delivering a talk on the ethical character of the mysteries . As well as Stephen Bullivant , Cardinal Robert Sarah ,  Mgr Andrew Burnham , among others. On Friday, I had to get up at 4am and drive to Chelsea to prepare for a job we have starting at a school there. My good friend Fr Jeff Woolnough suggested we head up to Warwick Street in the evening for the closing Mass of the Conference. Despite being really tired, I jumped at the chance. Any time spent with Fr Jeff is always a great encouragement, and the liturgy at Warwick Street is always upli...

Ordinariate Epiphany

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to be invited to the beautiful Ordinariate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Gregory in Warwick Street by my friend Fr. Jeff Woolnough for a service of Carols for Epiphany. The Ordinariate has quickly become a watchword for orthodoxy and beautiful liturgy and it was really interesting to see how many people were there that I knew. The beautiful event was led by Mgr Keith Newton, and featured readings from the works of Bl John Henry Newman, T S Eliot and G K Chesterton, as well as seasonal lessons from the Scriptures which ended with the Gospel; John 2; the wedding feast at Cana. I thought this was brilliant. These weren't random readings picked out because they were nice. The readings were carefully chosen and ordered to lead to this crescendo of epiphany! I really got the sense we were being taught something; that something important was being revealed to us. You see, if we consider the chronological implications of the Cana ...

Ordinariate Diaconal Ordination at Warwick Street

Some great news to start the year as our wonderful Ordinariate movement gains two new transitional deacons. My congratulations to the Rev. David Butler and James Houghton who were ordained to the diaconate by Bishop Robert Byrne yesterday at the Ordinariate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Gregory, Warwick Street. Yesterday, Saturday 3 January, two members of the Ordinariate, David Butler and James Houghton, were ordained to the diaconate at the Ordinariate central church by the wonderful Rt Revd Robert Byrne Cong.Orat. , Auxiliary Bishop for Birmingham. The Revd David Butler recently took temporary vows as a hermit within the Ordinariate and an article about his way of life will appear in the February edition of Oremus , the Westminster Cathedral magazine. David was formerly an Anglican priest. He became a Catholic before the Ordinariate was established. When it came into being, he was registered as a member and wanted his religious vows to be under the jurisdic...