
Showing posts with the label Farmhouse

Dar is-Sultan

This year in Gozo, we rented a farmhouse in Gharb, which, by extraordinary coincidence, overlooked the shrine of Ta'Pinu. The house was called Dar is-Sultan , which by my (poor) reckoning, translates to something like 'home of the king'. I recall on our first visit to Gozo, being dropped off at our accommodation, which appeared to be a mid-terraced two up, two down. It was actually very spacious and beautiful. This is the building style in Gozo and you never know what you're actually getting. It's also quite difficult to tell from the website you rent it from. A word to the wise whilst we are on that subject: a family member booked a villa in the South of France through Owners Direct at the same time as us and their communication was hacked; they ended up losing all their money before a phone call to the villa owner alerted them to the fraud. The moral of the story is always make sure you speak to the owner if you're using Owners Direct! Dar is-Sultan ...