
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Cupich

Pope Francis Backs The Wrong Horse....Again

  If you care about the Church, you're probably struggling a bit at the moment for lots of reasons. With Jorge Bergoglio at the reins as Pope Francis, it feels like a mad old parish priest well past his sell by date is running things. He doesn't care about theology, canon law, doctrine, or the effect his decisions have. He supports and promotes the UN, which has at its' heart a dubious strategy of population control . Most of his teaching seems troublingly pantheistic , and occasionally contains more than a feint whiff of direct opposition to Catholic teaching, and I quote: Today we hear the voice of creation admonishing us to return to our rightful place in the natural created order – to remember that we are part of this interconnected web of life, not its masters. #SeasonOfCreation — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) September 3, 2020 However perhaps the most troubling dimension to Jose Bergoglio's reign as the supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church is his consistent associati...

McCarrick Resigns. But who supported him?

It has been infuriating and heart-breaking in equal measure observing the machinations and ramifications that have followed the exposure of Cardinal McCarrick as an active homosexual and abuser of boys and men over decades. The reason it is so devastating is that this was an "open secret", much like the romantic dalliances of our own former Bishop of Arundle and Brighton, Kieran Conry  whom Cardinal Nichols made Head of catechesis and evangelisation for the Bishops' Conference! Everyone knew what was going on, especially priests and seminarians, but they closed ranks and kept quiet. McCarrick was promoted, and in turn promoted others. Most concerning is that the names of those he promoted are well known campaigners for a new direction in the Church. Pope Benedict "put McCarrick out to pasture", Pope Francis restored him, as he did Cardinal Danneels and Cardinal Mahony . McCarrick is responsible for the promotion of Farrell, Cupich and Joseph "nighty-n...