
Showing posts with the label denied communion

Are You Listening Bishops of England & Wales?

Pro-life leaders announce the declaration May 3rd. From right: Virginia Coda Nunziante, Marcia per la Vida; Colleen Bayer, Family Life International New Zealand, John-Henry Westen,; Joseph Meaney, Human Life International. Yesterday Lifesitenews carried the story from the first annual Rome Life Forum in Vatican City that fifty-two pro-life leaders from sixteen nations called on the bishops of the Catholic Church to deny Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians in a spirit of love and mercy. The leaders signed a declaration noting that it is out of concern, and indeed love, for those same politicians that the pro-life leaders ask for this wake-up call to invite pro-abortion politicians back to authentic faith. This is important in the context of the recent too & fro within the Bishop's Conference here in the UK. The excellent Bishop of Portsmouth, The Rt. Rvd. Philip Egan, clearly stated the position of the Magisterium regarding this issue in an inter...