
Showing posts with the label Fr. Thomas Rosica

Fr. Thomas Rosica - Can Doctrine Change?

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CEO of Sue & Litigate Salt & Light TV and English Speaking Assistant to Fr. Lombardi at the Vatican states baldly in his speech as part of Assumption University's Christian Culture Lecture Series, that doctrine changes (as reported earlier; full transcript here ). This flies in the face of basic theology, for the Catholic faith is a revealed faith grounded in a deposit given to us by Jesus and the Apostles. This is what we mean when we say it is "Apostolic". Doctrine cannot change. The fundamental Doctrine of God have not. They CAN NOT. These are the blueprints of what it means to be human. We mess with this, we become sub-human. The Decalogue was a start, then Jesus came to fulfill that Law - which is not one of petty legalistic 'small-minded rules' - but the means of enlarging our hearts to be made ' capax dei '. The well-known pseudonymous commentator Augustine has contacted me with the following comments: Compare...