
Showing posts with the label growth

Crisis for Priesthood Deepens

Brothers and sisters, let me introduce....Your episcopate!! As I might have mentioned a couple of times before ( here ,  here , here , here , here , and here  for example) we have a problem with vocations that is being completely and wilfully ignored. It is being ignored simply because it directly clashes with the narrative & ideology being pushed by the majority of bishops and some clergy. It is certainly a key note in my own diocesan assessment as I pointed out here . The norm is to substitute their own narrative & ideology: a new religion of self-styled acceptance, love and liberal social equality that labels anyone taking Catholicism seriously, anyone who dares to "take a stand" as enforcing otherness and prejudice. This is a fundamental failure to understand the Gospel message; a lack of understanding which causes them not to seek better understanding, but instead to warp and substitute their own agenda for the Word of God. The progressives recognise wha...