
Showing posts with the label Patrick Coffin

It's the Mass that Matters!

From Patrick Coffin : As the Irish used to put it, “it’s the Mass that matters.” The holy sacrifice of the Mass is the “source and summit of the Christian life” according to Vatican II. In the short years following the Council, the reformation of the Mass, replacing the pre-1962 Missal with the Mass of Paul VI (aka the Novus Ordo Missae ), has unfortunately led to what amounts to a two-track Church. The 2007 motu proprio Summorum Pontificum by Pope Benedict XVI lifted the need for episcopal permission to celebrate the Extraordinary Form (the Traditional Latin Mass) so any priest could celebrate it. This in turn led to a resurgent interest in the Mass that nurtured saints and sinners alike for over 500 years. Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland, OR, taught himself how to say the Latin Mass, and has nuggets of wisdom as to why the Church benefits from its celebration and the sense of balance needed to avoid extremist attitudes. He’s also an expert in sacred music, which is a...

Catholic Church Status Report

I think this interview between Michael Voris & Patrick Coffin is a must watch because it gives a "real" reaction to what is going on in the Church from two people who are "inside" in that they watch and investigate and report on it every day. Some really important insights. I don't think things are this bad here in the UK if I'm honest. I do believe there is a demonic influence in the episcopacy in the US; the degree of abuse, collusion & cover-up that has gone on is more than could be possible under a gang of well-meaning but bungling bishops, there's some darker genius driving it and you can see how it links up. Here I honestly believe it is ineptitude and fear. The bishops are terrified of prosecution by the authorities, they're terrified of the laity and public finding out about the cover-ups that have gone on over the years and they are content to be concerned and preoccupied with their own petty concerns and not to look at the bi...