
Showing posts with the label Catholic Voices

Where Are Our Bishops?

I think this post on the Muniment Room has some really important and necessary insights. It really joins together the dots so that you can see how things fit together. It begins by examining the position of Catholic Voices , how much authority does the organisation  have to speak on catholic issues? Who guarantees their Catholicity? These are questions which were voiced at the organisation's inception. Officialy, the authoritative source about Catholicism in the UK is the Catholic Communications Network (CCN) of the CBCEW. Catholic Voices then, is a conduit; a simple way for a media outlet to find an "every day Catholic" to comment when it needs somebody who isn't an official spokesman for the Church (mind you, when was the last time you saw any "official spokesperson for the Church"?). However, Ttony reports "that any call to the CCN asking for a Catholic comment on an issue of the moment gets forwarded routinely to CV and that, furthermore,...

Criticising the Poles

Austen Ivereigh with Pope Francis ( America Magazine ) Despite the clear statistics in my last post , I was really shocked to read  this, frankly rather rude critique of Catholicism in Poland  from Catholic Voices founder Austen Ivereigh, who seems to be looking for a plum job in Rome as far as I can make out, because he seems utterly blind to any concerns about the current pontificate despite shock waves rolling across the Catholic world. He even goes as far as to label concerned Catholics "dissenters" in  this somewhat incoherent defence  of  Amoris Laetitia . I think this is a real shame for an organisation which has tried to be the voice of regular Catholics. So what's this about? As a friend recently commented, Austen went to Poland, was warmly received by his hosts who helped him to plug his book. And then he wrote this piece of rudeness. Ivereigh arrogantly claims in his article that the Poles consider  "everything since  (JP II)  i...