Archbishop Attacks "wishy-washy" Faith
The Archbishop of Glasgow, Philip Tartaglia fears "too many believers" have adapted to the secular world around them by stressing not their faith itself but its ethical values. Challenged by a robust secularism, he said Scottish Catholics avoid saying they "really believe in anything supernatural; in anything they can’t see or touch or experience; or in anything beyond modelling and encouraging decent behaviour. He added: "Too many believers no longer talk about Jesus winning salvation for the sinful but instead point to him as a moral ideal of what humans should strive for. "We accommodate. We compromise. We avoid conflict - even when conflict is the only proper course. We are too wishy-washy, as we would say in Scotland." The Archbishop made the comments at a recent meeting of priests in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Archbishop Tartaglia, spoke about what lessons could be learned in the United States from the Church in Scotland and the rest of t...