Sunday Scripture: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (YEAR C)
"Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Ps 119:105 Welcome to this, the fifty-first of my reflections on the theology of the Sunday readings at Mass. It's been a manic week, with lots going on at work and Mike involved in a stage production of Oliver in Hornchurch. This has left me with very little time to work on my reflection this week. I have undertaken this project, regularly posting background information on the readings at Sunday Mass as part of my own prayer life. I have found it helps me to do a little study before I go to Mass about the readings, what the theme of the week is, how it follows on from the previous week's readings and what is being said. In sharing this, I hope to help you too get more from the Bible and Sunday Scripture readings. Perhaps it might give you confidence in the value and legitimacy of the Bible, or perhaps it might inspire you to pray the Divine Office or investigate the weekly readings for yourself....