
Showing posts with the label Austen Ivereigh

The Road to Traditiones Custodes

Image from the  Rorate Caeli blog My friend Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone (San Francisco) has instituted a monthly Traditional Latin Mass at San Francisco’s Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption, and has been leading the faithful in a Litany of Reparations for abuses against the Eucharist CNA reports . The first of the Masses, on Aug. 4, falls on the feast of St. Dominic, and so will be said in the Dominican rite. Archbishop Cordileone’s establishment of the monthly Masses was in response to “requests from the faithful and the overwhelming response to the first Latin Mass in July.” Apparently over 900 people have already signed up. Thank God for Archbishop Cordileone and his faithful ministry! Archbishop Cordileone joins a growing list of bishops  who are ignoring the Pope's clamp down on the Latin Mass and even instigating new Latin Masses! Notorious papal tailgater & apologist for inconsistency and all things Francis Austen Ivereigh claims he has been told that t...

Super-Pope Francis!

Ivereigh: Brexit breakthrough is all thanks to Super-Pope Francis! — Gary Paul H ‏ن (@enternoon) October 18, 2019 Future Tweets from Austen to include: Pope Francis discovers America! Pope Francis Cures cancer! Pope Francis lands manned mission on Mars! Please check out my website for a wide range of gardening equipment hand and power tools and welding equipment:

Love of Money - The Root of All Evil

How do you know that the Pope's spin doctors are mendacious and self-interested? Well, a really good clue is if something really big is going on which contradicts their consistent narrative and they completely ignore it. The German bishops are doing this right now, ignoring the pope, ignoring the Vatican, ignoring the curia and setting up their own "binding synodal process" which will lock in fundamental changes Catholic teaching, including: A reduction of clerical power Changes  regarding clerical celibacy Church teaching on sexual morality Issues they are justifying by linking them to the sex abuse crisis. The Vatican has written to the Germans stating that this new synodal assembly is not ecclesiologically valid. However German bishops appear determined to push through a new morality, despite it constituting a de facto break with Catholic authority and doctrine. We can see how this has progressed: the intercommunion debate forwarded by ze Germanz was...

Francis promotes a pervert - everyone just shrugs

As I reported at the time , one of the stand out moments of the Vatican cringe-a-thon Abuse Summit was a journalist from Crux  (which tends to be more supportive of the Pope and his agenda) asked how can we believe that this is the end of cover-ups, "when at the end of the day, Pope Francis himself covered-up for a Bishop in Argentina who had gay porn on his phone", referring to Argentine Bishop Zanchetta, here's the video: At Presser for Vatican Sexual Abuse Summit #PBC2019 , @inesanma asks how can we believe that this is the end of cover-ups, "when at the end of the day, Pope Francis himself covered-up for a Bishop in Argentina who had gay porn on his phone", referring to Argentine Bishop Zanchetta — Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) February 24, 2019 The journalist asking the question was Inés San Martín, an Argentinean journalist who covers the Vatican in Rome for Crux . I think her nationality has been the reason for her to be ...

The Strange Case of Austen Ivereigh

Ivereigh speaking at an interview for an Argentinian newspaper. Source: Wikipedia Since the conclave in 2013, Austen Ivereigh has been at the forefront of public comment regarding Pope Francis. He is currently busy doing his absolute best to discredit Archbishop Viganò while completely ignoring the reality of abuse in the institutional Church, it really is quite shocking to behold. In fact Ivereigh referred to McCarrick sexually abusing seminarians as him "having sex with adults" and expressed no outrage whatever, it's like he is completely blind to reality where there is anything that smacks of a problem for Pope Francis. It also doesn't take much of a watcher to spot that Ivereigh comes to the exact same conclusions as co-conspirators like Anthony Spadaro, James Martin and Dawn Eden, and they all go public at about the same time with the same strategy , I mean theory. Has anybody heard from papal biographer Austen Ivereigh, Fr Spadaro or Greg Burke...

Scratching my head

Fr. Longnecker has posted this review of Pope Francis’ speech at Chile’s pontifical university. It shows just how polarised things are between (in my opinion) those of us who are faithful to the Church and honest about the present situation and those who are sycophants with an agenda. What agenda? Well, some clearly want to change the Church; modernise it. Faggioli belongs to the Bologna School. He literally believes Vatican II was a second Pentecost, that subsequently founded a new religion — Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) July 28, 2017 Some have invested so much time and effort into refuting criticisms of this papacy, to show any crack of acknowledgement at this stage would constitute a totally collapse in credibility: Pope cathedral speech a fine example of a spiritual master leading a Church prone to temptations in desolation. #FranciscoEnChile — Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) January 16, 2018 It is Austen Ivereigh who draws Fr. Longnecker...

'Convert Neurosis' Article Sparks Change of Policy at Crux

Further to the dreadful piece self-appointed papal interpreter Austen Ivereigh posted in Crux last week ( see my post here ), the editor, John Allen, has posted a quite extraordinary rebuke of both the content & the premise of the piece. Up to this point, Crux has never had formal editorial policies, because we’re a small enough operation I didn’t think we needed them. As of today, however, I’m implementing Policy #1. For “Star Trek” fans, you might think of this as our new “Prime Directive": Yes to vigorous discussion, no to personal attacks. Allen apologises, and goes so far as to say: I should not have allowed such personal criticism to appear, because ultimately everything that runs on Crux is my responsibility. How humiliating for Austen. I wonder if there was some outside pressure brought to bear that prompted such a comment from Allen? Ivereigh did issue an apology (Eccles posted on it here ) which basically amounted to   "Sorry, folks! I was right of c...

Diagnosing Convert Neuroses

If I'm honest, most of the ageing Catholic congregation in my Parish would say "Crisis? What crisis?" with respect to the current situation in the Church. If I rattled off a few concerns, they would likely say "Where on earth are you getting all this information, it's all news to me!" Some, much smaller number might have read some stuff in The Catholic Herald , or one of the other Catholic news publications, but might not really grasp the seriousness of the problem we currently face. They like the smiley, friendly Pope and don't have any grasp of the obvious, numerous and atrocious theological problems with his writing . Although my own faith was gifted to me by my parents at birth, and my greatest Catholic role model was undoubtedly my Irish Grandmother, Mary, I would say that generally speaking, us cradle Catholics are pretty poor at practising our faith. It is more likely to be a cultural thing, something we were born with, some part of our i...

The Vatican Circus

On Tuesday, a strange thing happened at the Vatican. There was a presser, where a book was launched written by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, on Amoris Laetitia . The Cardinal, however, was nowhere to be seen himself, claiming he "had a meeting at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints" The Pope sends a lackey to answer the dubia and he doesn't even turn up? Is it me or does this just look increasingly like a circus? Also the chap in the middle of the picture below is Orazio La Rocca, Vaticanista of La Repubblica ,  which you may recall is the Pope's favourite newspaper of Eugenio Scalfari fame! It would seem very telling that La Repubblica was there as a buffer. The presser was billed by some as "Francis surrogate to answer the dubia on Amoris Laetitia " . Of course, the Pope can't say these things himself because he would be directly contradicting the Magisterium and wo...

Criticising the Poles

Austen Ivereigh with Pope Francis ( America Magazine ) Despite the clear statistics in my last post , I was really shocked to read  this, frankly rather rude critique of Catholicism in Poland  from Catholic Voices founder Austen Ivereigh, who seems to be looking for a plum job in Rome as far as I can make out, because he seems utterly blind to any concerns about the current pontificate despite shock waves rolling across the Catholic world. He even goes as far as to label concerned Catholics "dissenters" in  this somewhat incoherent defence  of  Amoris Laetitia . I think this is a real shame for an organisation which has tried to be the voice of regular Catholics. So what's this about? As a friend recently commented, Austen went to Poland, was warmly received by his hosts who helped him to plug his book. And then he wrote this piece of rudeness. Ivereigh arrogantly claims in his article that the Poles consider  "everything since  (JP II)  i...

Freedom to speak but not to misrepresent

After some careful thought, there's an interesting academic post on the Tina Beattie issue on the All Along the Watchtower blog here . It makes some really excellent points with which I have a great deal of sympathy. The post comes down to this I think: I disagree with Professor Beattie’s views on abortion (and other matters), but to attack her in the way that has been done – as though no Catholic should ever dissent from the teaching of the Church on anything – and to make some of the comments I have seen on social media sites, is simply to turn her into the victim of what looks like a witch-hunt. If the aim is to get the Bishops to look at her activity, this seems not the way to achieve that objective. What Bishop wants to look as though he is trying to stifle the freedom of a woman academic to speak her mind?  I think that this comment is a little unfortunate. I certainly would not seek to limit anyone's freedom of speech. The question is about the platform from...