Extraordinary Catholic Courage

Connie Wood and Mary Doogan Mary Doogan has delivered thousands of babies throughout her career as a midwife. Seven years ago, Mary, along with Connie Wood and other midwife colleagues, were faced with a challenge to their right to refuse to be involved with abortions carried out on the labour ward. You can read the details here . Between 19 and 24 October 2015, Mary Doogan and Rhoslyn Thomas, SPUC's Youth and Education Officer, will be touring England and Wales. SPUC now invite you to hear Mary speak of the struggle to maintain her integrity as a midwife trained to preserve life. The dates and locations of the talks will be: Monday 19 October 2015 – 7pm York University P/L/006 (Ground Floor) Exhibition Centre University of York Heslington York YO10 5DD Tuesday 20 October 2015 – 8pm The Hand & Heart pub, Nottingham 65 – 67 Derby Road Nottingham NG1 5BA Wednesday 21 October 2015 – 7.30pm Cardiff University Catholic Chaplaincy Newman Hall University Catholic Chaplaincy Colum...