
Showing posts with the label Peter's Pence

Peter's Pence Suspended

Some people have been saying for a long while that the intrigue and heresy of the Vatican won't bring the present regime to an end, but money might . The scandalous revelation that only a tenth of the annual Peter's Pence collection actually goes to charity has probably not helped the financial situation at the Holy See. Last October, Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi claimed that the Vatican lost nearly €44million last year while its property empire made a loss for the first time. Despite this, there is a serious lack of reporting on the financial scandals surrounding the Vatican which has been noted by numerous prominent journalists: Spoke to a well-informed, non-partisan contact this morning. He suspects major financial scandals involving Becciu are being concealed; described many members of Vatican press corps as “courtiers” who will never investigate properly. — Damian Thompson (@holysmoke) October 9, 2019 Church Militant reports t...

A Summary of The Week...

Some incredible things going on this week - Steve summarises it better than I can in this short video, especially the ridiculous new proposal from the useless Catholic Bishops of England & Wales! Tagle is interesting. He is largely reported as being a problematic liberal but I think it is important that we avoid guilt by association. Cardinal Tagle is a seriously respected theologian (unlike Pope Francis's chosen personal theological adviser and scribe  Archbishop Víctor Manuel “Tucho” Fernández ). Tagle was appointed to the International Theological Commission under Cardinal Ratzinger's Presidency, consecrated bishop by Pope St John Paul II, archbishop by Pope Benedict XVI who then created him Cardinal. He did not not abuse their trust in him. Some commentators are suggesting he has been an advocate for and on behalf of the position that divorced and civilly remarried Catholics should be admitted to Holy Communion. The fact is that he offered a cautious opinion ...