
Showing posts with the label Deuteronomy 7

'Foreign gods' In the Vatican

The Church does not destroy, it sanctifies. That is, God can take anything and make it good and new... This is something Scott Hahn posted on Facebook yesterday: Here's a brief exchange I had with a dear 'FB sister' who raised a good question (based on Deut. 7) regarding the 'foreign gods' she saw inside the Vatican: "I'm an Evangelical very much hoping to become catholic, but this alarms me and is shaking my faith in the Catholic Church's judgment. I've spoken to a few Catholics, including priests, and they seem flummoxed. What are you thoughts? Kind regards, CA"   Dear CA, from antiquity the Catholic Church adapted a ancient imperial custom as a sign of celebrating the successful evangelization and conversion of various pagan lands and peoples; that is, when ancient empires (e.g., Babylon) subjugated other lands and peoples (e.g., Israel), they celebrated their victory by carrying back to their royal capital notable prisoners al...