The Russell Brand Complex
I find Russell Brand impossible not to like. He is a local lad, from Grays, which is just up the road from where I was born. He has had his share of issues and certainly comes across as a flamboyant extrovert. Yet he is intelligent and articulate and often what he says is rather deep and thought provoking. Recently he has written a number of newspaper articles, some of them have been fairly bland (if not Brand), but some have been very interesting. I guess he offends many people, and you might be surprised that I'm not among those who are critical of Russell, but I have to be honest, I think he's mostly, very funny, also very interesting. He's a bit like a wise, fascinated child, who is into everything. He has obviously read a fair bit and he has a beautiful mind for connecting up lots of ideas. I find that for the most part rather charming. On Monday, Russell was invited to appear on MSNBC's Morning Joe programme, ostensibly to talk about his controversial wo...