
Showing posts with the label Yeshua

The Most Important Word Ever Uttered: Jesus.

Therefore God also highly exalted him      and gave him the name      that is above every name, 10  so that at the name of Jesus      every knee should bend,      in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11  and every tongue should confess      that Jesus Christ is Lord,      to the glory of God the Father. -- Phil 2:10-11 Well worth watching this beautiful reflection on the Holy Name from Fr James Mawdsley. 

The Holy Name of Jesus

"Amen, amen, I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father, he will give it to you in my name." Pic From Pope Francis celebrated Mass this morning in the mother church of the Jesuit order, the church of the Gesù, to mark the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus and to give thanks for the new Jesuit saint Pierre Favre. Canonised by Pope Francis on 17th December, Pierre Favre, was the first companion of St. Ignatius of Loyola. For this reason he is known as “the second Jesuit” and one of the founders of the Society of Jesus, of which he was also the first priest. The tombs of St. Ignatius and St. Pierre Favre are located in the Church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. In his homily, the Holy Father spoke of the particular way in which the Jesuit Order is marked—and desires to be signed—by the name of Jesus:  “To march beneath the standard of His Cross.”  Pope Francis went on to explain that this means sharing in and having Christ’s very own sentiments....