Arthur Roche: "an illiterate imbecile and a lackey looking for a red hat"
Dr. Peter Kwasniewski comments at Rorate Caeli on this recent interview with Archbishop Arthur Roache, infamous for being so inept as bishop of Leeds he was shipped off to Rome , unbelievably now Prefect for the CDW: Kwasniewski explains that, in said interview Archbishop Roche "does not merely tell lies, but says the exact opposite of the truth." He continues: However, he will not leave his opponents speechless. One can hardly read a paragraph of this article without cringing at his befuddlement. Here is a brief commentary on some of his more egregious statements. “I think one of the problems that we are facing today is that we are living in a very individualistic world, a very relativistic world, and where the individual preference promotes itself above the common good and the common expression,” he said. “I think that that is a very dangerous thing, and it is something that as Christians, we really need to take very careful note of.” So: how exactly does a li...