
Showing posts with the label Raymond Arroyo

Cardinal Müller and the Destruction of the Church

On Thursday, October 6, Gerhard Cardinal Müller discussed the ongoing Synod on Synodality and other topics in a roughly 30-minute interview on EWTN’s The World Over with Raymond Arroyo.  The World Over and especially the Papal Posse have provided a truly invaluable source of reporting throughout the Franciscan Pontificate. The reporting there has proven to be a real reality check for papal tailgaters & sycophants that their cynical narrative is failing to touch anyone but those who hate the Church and want to destroy her. I have always found it comforting to know that I was not the only one who felt dismayed at the direction Pope Francis was taking on any number of issues. Just take the Pontifical Academy for Life, for example. Set up in 1994 to defend and promote the Church's teaching on life, on 18th November 2016, Pope Francis dismissed virtually everyone involved and appointed a new staff. Since then we have seen the Academy hijacked and transformed from a faithful evagel...

Synodal Dumpster Fire

Incredulity at the diabolical Synod process grows. Odious sycophantic Cardinal Grech spouts banalities. "A correct reception of the Council's ecclesiology is activating such fruitful processes as to open up scenarios that not even the Council had imagined and in which the action of the Spirit that guides the Church is made manifest" @GrechMario at @unilateranense #synod — (@Synod_va) October 5, 2022 What "spirit" is he referring to because it doesn't seem to be the Holy Spirit! Is he seriously suggesting that the "fruit of the council" is to change the faith? I just can't believe Mario Grech - the notorious bully & abuse cover up artist from the tiny island of Gozo (where I usually holiday with my family) is now in charge of the tautologous utter disaster that is the synod on synodality. But at least shining a light on this moron shows the world how thick he is, and I'm not the only person who i...

The Francis Pontificate: Dialogue with Disaster

The Pope continues, day by day, to dismantle Catholic authority and legitimacy. EWTN's World Over Live provides an expert regular round up of what is going on in the Church. It has become a kind of cataloguing of the weekly errors coming out of Rome. The episode below covers some of the things I have not had a chance to post on over the last couple of weeks. Indeed, I haven't really had the heart! The Pope's long interview with Reuters is covered along with his lack of continuity with regard to abortion and Holy Communion. Robert Royal nails it when he says the Pope does not have a clear position on this issue . The Pope's words mean nothing if he is going to act against those words. Pretty much everyone I have spoken to about this is simply disgusted by the Pope's actions. The silence of the Church standing against this issue: if there is no penalty for contradicting doctrine, what's the point of having it even? On the Pope's involvement of women in choos...

Pope Francis & Vatican II. Has he read the documents?

As Pope Francis seems to grow increasingly polemical in his comments, Raymond Arroyo and Dr. Peter Kwasniewski expose the incoherence in his increasingly rant-filled comments: far from implementing the Council (by which the Pope only means the Second Vatican Council), Pope Francis doesn't even seem to know what "the Council" taught, regularly conflating his comments on implementation with elements never even discussed by Vatican II.

If the “Olson’s” of the Church are turning on Bergoglio he is really in trouble!

On this recent episode of EWTN's The World Over , we find some typical responses to the latest Papal confusion.  As Raymond Arroyo points out, the function & purpose of the meeting with the Pope was for Biden to demonstrate clearly that you can be a good Catholic receiving communion and yet openly promote and support abortion. Interesting that Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth, Texas, a man with a terrible reputation , certainly not any sort of traditionalist or well known for orthodoxy, has been vocal in calling out the deliberate confusion being caused by the Pope in direct contradiction to his proper function as the very point of unity & clarity for Christians. Interesting. If the “Olson’s” of the Church are turning on Bergoglio he is really in trouble! Olson himself is a scandalous creep. @LepantoInst — Chris Ekstrom (@ekstromfortexas) November 11, 2021 Biden pushes the most extreme measures on abortion and is facing sanction from his own bishops at home so it is impo...

Arroyo interviews Archbishop Cordileone about Pelosi's visit to the Pope.

  I watched this cringe-filled interview of Archbishop Cordileone by EWTN's Raymond Arroyo over the weekend. Raymond does really well in asking the hard questions of Archbishop Cordileone, but I felt desperately sorry for the Archbishop. What a position to be put in! He does his absolute best to rely on the Pope's strong condemnation of abortion, but, notwithstanding those words, this act, devoid as it was of any condemnation of Pelosi's anti-Catholic actions and given the present circumstances, where the Archbishop is involved in a very public debate with Pelosi and Pelosi has advanced abortion on demand in a radical and aggressive way, can only be seen as an attempt to criticise the USCCB strategy on Eucharistic coherence. Raymond: "you're on the wrong side of the Church Archbishop" - how can we infer anything else from this meeting? Archbishop Cordileone: "The Pope has to use his own discretion" - ++Cordileone has clearly been left high and dry by...

EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo Interviews Archbishop Viganò About McCarrick Report

  The interview has been transcribed and is posted in full at the National Catholic Register , this is the text: More than any other person except for Theodore McCarrick himself, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is responsible for triggering the 449-page Vatican report released this week that details what other Church leaders knew about the disgraced ex-cardinal’s decades-long pattern of sexual misconduct, and the actions they took or failed to take with respect to what they had learned. As the report itself documents, the archbishop was the first senior Vatican figure to call concretely for action to be undertaken against McCarrick, at a time when Archbishop Viganò was serving as a senior official in the Secretariat of State. Then, after the archbishop was subsequently posted to Washington as the U.S. nuncio from 2011 to 2016, he was again involved with the Vatican’s handling of the McCarrick file. And in August 2018, Archbishop Viganò released his initial 11-page “testimony” regardi...

The Pope "Causing Grave Scandal to the Faithful"

The full episode of The World Over Live from last night where they discuss the crisis the Pope's remarks over civil unions have caused: The Pope has caused great scandal here: he is at ease with homosexual couples living together and committing sin. As Father Murray points out, this is a very sad day because it is a Pope causing grave scandal to the faithful. The discussion online has moved on from "did he or didn't he" - it's now more "he was being pastoral" versus "he's leading people away from the faith". You might remember I wrongly said he didn't , the Vatican then confirmed he did . This was me trying to think the best of the Pope and not immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusion. You see, along with most of you I imagine, I desperately want the Pope to be excellent. To hold and explain the good news about Jesus Christ and what He came to do. I want him to spread the joy of the Gospel and the excitement that comes wit...

Is this a papal dodge?

The Papal Posse are always worth a watch. In this episode, they discuss the synod document. Fr Gerald Murray says it was a happy day when Querida Amazonia was released because the synod asked for women deacons and married priests and the Holy Father did not grant those things, he gave an answer which was to pray for vocations. Progressive Catholics are angry and bitter, their reaction, that the pope "lacked courage" is because he set up people's expectations in that regard. Fr Murray: the Amazonian synod was first raised by the pope in the context of ordaining viri probati , naturally there were therefore a lot of expectations. Robert Royal thinks the pope wants to leave the door open with his request for the faithful to read the Final Document. Baldisseri says clearly in the press conference that exhortation does not speak about the approval of the final document, just presentation, therefore it does not have magisterial authority. In this Baldesseri contradi...

Destabilising Synod—Analysis from EWTN

Another outstanding & comprehensive synopsis of the Amazon Synod from Raymond Arroyo, Robert Royal & Fr Gerald Murray at EWTN. The Pope acknowledged the idols were "Pachamama" The posse asks how can we simply declare there was no idolatrous intent as Pope Francis did? How does that make it alright? Where was the theological dimension? This speaks to so much that goes on in Rome under Pope Francis. There was no definitive answer as to what the Pachamama idols were or where they came from or what their relevance or importance was. Instead, we were left to speculate — and there was a great deal of speculation! I think, like the vast majority of Catholics, I wanted this to be something the Pope didn't know about, something his poor management had allowed to happen, not something he wanted to happen. I even wrote about it, giving Francis the benefit of the doubt , desperately hoping he is on the side of Christ: What ensued was carnage really where even the po...

Cardinal Burke staged the moon landings

Watch Dr Damian Thompson on the claims of loony papal tailgaters that Cardinal Burke, not ze Germanz are causing a schism: Please check out my website for a wide range of gardening equipment hand and power tools and welding equipment:

Head of Ignatius Press: Pope Must respond to Heresy Charges

Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ, the founder and editor of Ignatius Press is a rare thing these days: someone who doesn't pass rash judgement and gives a fair commentary, in this instance on the subject of the Open Letter to bishops accusing Pope Francis of heresy . Fr Fessio says in this interview that these statements are carefully made and require a response from the Pope or on his behalf. Many of those criticising the authors of the letter seem concerned with the undoubted damage that such accusations do to the office of the Pope. But it seems clear to me that the damage is being done by the Pope, and the Pope has not offered any clarifications of any questions asked of him up to now. As Fr. Fessio so correctly asserts in this interview: "Certainly no one in his right mind can deny there is ambiguity nor that people are using what the Pope has said to forward positions which are false or heretical or contradictory so there is confusion, anyone who says there is no confusion...

Cardinal Napier launches an unprovoked attack on Raymond Arroyo of EWTN

Today there's been a bit of a Twitter Storm (when isn't there if we're honest) about this Tweet from Cardinal Napier: “The World Over” hosted by Raymond Aroyo is like a throwback to the 1960’s & 70’s, when Ian Paisley & his ilk were fulminating against the Catholic Faith in general, & Pope Francis in particular! I’ve still to hear a programme that does report negatively on or attack the Pope! — Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) December 3, 2018 It is widely rumoured that there is a bit of a campaign against Arroyo, who has been reporting goings on at the Vatican in a very clear, straight-forward way, without any gloss whatsoever. Cardinal Napier is known for being rigorist in defending Pope Francis. He tends to take a legalistic approach and demands specific evidence. This in direct contrast to this particular Tweet attacking Arroyo, which offers no evidence and seems plainly political in its motivation. Could this be anything other than bare-faced ca...

Cardinal Müller: Who will Save the Church From Pope Francis & His Friends?

Cardinal Gerhard Müller former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) at the Vatican speaks at length about the cover up of sex abuse by clergy, the Youth Synod getting underway in Rome this week and much more in this interview. Asked about the scandal surrounding abuse in the Church the Cardinal explains how this abuse comes from a breakdown of morality in society, a rejection of the sixth commandment. This breakdown has also entered the Church as well. Cardinal Müller clearly states that the abuse crisis is a homosexual crisis, he is clear about the statistics involved. Müller also says the Pope's suggestions that abuse is down to "clericalism" is nonsense. It is a violation of the Sixth Commandment. Cardinal Müller says with respect to Archbishop Vigano's testimonies , he always sought to broker a reconciliation between Pope Francis and Archbishop Vigano, his testimony in this interview continuously appeals to an open process: as the a...

Is Amoris Laetitia Damaging the Church? Cardinal Müller thinks so...

In this EWTN interview with the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, we hear (at about 09:05) Cardinal Müller saying as a Catholic theologian that the bishops making their own interpretations, going in their own directions is "not good...not Catholic" ... "We don't have two Magisteriums...this understanding could make damage [sic] for the Catholic Church" . he says that the Pope uses his authority to give the summary of the synod and it is not Catholic that we then have bishops' conferences' giving interpretations of the interpretation. This is not the way we do things. Cardinal Müller also appears to confirm, with some emotion, that the Pope summarily dismissed three employees of the CDF as reported by the respected Vaticanista Marco Tosaatti in January.

The Papal Posse - The Roman Drama Never Stops

I find myself shaking my head a lot these days and wondering, is it just me? Years ago, I started off defending Pope Francis' quirks, as did many people. But at this stage I have to admit I am bewildered by the constant stream of strangeness coming out of the Vatican. I am not alone though, it is not my imagination, and it is not just a few narrow minded Catholics who hate the pope (bizarre sentence in itself) or want to see the worst. It's pretty much anyone who has the courage to be honest about what is in front of their eyes. I recognise that many priests and bishops would want to defend the pope so as not to disturb the faithful. But the faithful (those who have any sort of clue, anyway,) are disturbed! Gentle, objective, faithful EWTN. Always careful to be balanced, always working to grow the faith and confirm the faithful, to the point where some other media outlets are highly critical of them. Look at what they are saying. Here is a good round up of the night...

The Kasper Interview, Part II

Raymond Arroyo's extraordinary interview with Cardinal Walter Kasper has been a revelation which speaks to a change in attitude from Rome and a change in attitude from Cardinal Kasper as I remarked last week . The Cardinal tells EWTN journalist Arroyo that the Pope did not approve his proposal to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion after a period of penance. Last October, the Cardinal had a very different tale to tell, explaining to Catholic News Service that allowing Communion for the remarried was "clearly what [the Pope] wants". Now Arroyo has released the second part of this interesting interview. In this installment, Cardinal Kasper tries to suggest that a shift in practice is somehow different to a change of doctrine says he does not enter into public controversy with other Cardinals expresses his pain at the opposition to his proposals, especially that there was no private discussion takes a curiously orthodox line on Ch...