Abortion in the UK: David Vs Goliath

Clare McCullough of The Good Counsel Network (GCN) appeared before the UK House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee last Tuesday to talk about alleged harassment by right-to-life groups outside abortion facilities, as I reported on in October here . Here, she speaks excellently in describing the kind and peaceful nature of the vigils, and against the Select Committee’s utterly biased pro-abortion Chairperson Yvette Cooper MP, she shows the relevance of the voices of those women who have been helped by GCN. Clare McCullough of @GoodCounselNet contributed superbly to @CommonsHomeAffs yesterday, refuting #harassment allegations & speaking for women given real #choice : https://t.co/WHBgDZepab #BufferZones #PSPOs #BackOff #FreeSpeech #NoBufferZones #SayNo2BufferZones pic.twitter.com/NllMJQHD0Y — Right To Life (@RightToLifeUK) December 13, 2017 A friend of mine, Clare, who has blogged brilliantly before on this issue here and here , wrote this on Facebook ab...