When God Speaks

Further to the discussion regarding the sixth petition of the Lord's prayer, and Pope Benedict XVI's superb catechesis, which I posted here , I stumbled on this Youtube video of Nabeel. Back in July 2009, I lost control of my car in a torrential downpour and the one passenger, my seven year old daughter Ruth, was killed . So began the darkest, most difficult period of my life so far. A period of my life I am still very much in. Through that time I have felt desperate, alone, utterly empty. But I have also felt continually comforted through the grief and pain by my wife and children as we suffered together, but also, in a very real and tangible way, by God. Nabeel Qureshi was a Christian convert from the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. He also wrote three books, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity (Zondervan, February 2014), Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward (Zondervan, March 2016), and No God But One—Allah or Jesus (Zonderv...