
Showing posts with the label Lancaster

The End of Protect the Pope

I have questioned myself about the wisdom of posting this. I find myself in a bit of a quandry over this piece of news: I don't think public speculation is going to help anyone, I want to support my friend Nick, but I don't think that should involve criticism of his bishop either. I hope this post walks the narrow line I have set out for myself whilst raising what I consider to be valid concerns about the incident. A couple of days ago,  a post on Protect the Pope announced that the blog was to close following ongoing discussions with the the Bishop of Lancaster, the Rt. Rvd. Michael Campbell, and the blog's principle author, the Deacon Nick Donnelly. The post cites Bishop Campbell's refusal to grant Nick’s request to resume news posting on Protect the Pope as effectively closing the site. It also says that Bishop Campbell has stated that he does not want anyone posting on Protect the Pope on Nick’s behalf. Nick's wife Martina had been posting on the webs...