
Showing posts with the label mercy. forgive & forget

Misericordes sicut Pater.

I read some good stuff on forgiveness and mercy today, which I thought I would share. The article it is taken from is here . It's not really about what I have taken this passage in isolation to refer to, but sometimes those insights can be the most valuable. For me, this quote is about the apparent confusion between pain inflicted, especially in the context of a familial relationship, which is forgiven, yet cannot be forgotten. Some situations, having been revisited many, many times, cannot be "fixed", and we are left to live with the fallout. This does not mean we do not forgive, or cannot move on, to the contrary, it can mean we have dealt with it properly and recognise that it is a situation beyond our control. Sometimes, renewing relationships on the pretext of forgiveness can be more damaging than maintaining a secure distance. Here's the quote: Mercy is a two-way street. The parable of the two debtors illustrates another facet of this truth. We must be ...