
Showing posts with the label Anglican difficulties

Where will new Humanae Vitae direction take the Church?

Where will the new Humanae Vitae direction take the Church? Well, we don't have to guess, because the Anglican Church already did this in 1930. I was very pleased to see this point - about Anglicanism and the Lambeth conference - taken up by Edward Pentin in the National Catholic Register today . As I have posted before ,   Humanae Vitae marked a clear break with the secular moral agenda in 1968, and shocked many who were sure Paul VI would condone use of the contraceptive pill. Once, all Christian denominations were in agreement regarding the essential indivisibility of the procreative and unitive dimensions of sexual intercourse. The Anglican communion broke away from this consensus in 1930 at the now infamous Lambeth Conference. This opened the door to a plague of moral relativism which has dogged the Anglican Communion ever since, and led to the current situation where no one is really sure if sexual morality is even relevant or important in the Anglican Church. R...

Are Anglican Orders Valid?

Although I have known that there was an Anglican Church since my history studies of the Tudor age in school, I wasn't ever hugely aware of the importance and value of an established church in our country until, probably, the first influx of Anglicans came home to Rome back in 1992. That was on the back of the ordination of women; if you want to understand what the Catholic position is regarding that I would suggest you have a look at this wonderful exposition by Megan Hodder . More recently (January 2011), the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published a Decree which formally established a ‘Personal Ordinariate’ in England and Wales for groups of Anglican faithful and their clergy who wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. The establishment of this Ordinariate was the first fruit of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus , issued by Pope Benedict XVI on 4 November 2009. The purpose of this was to respond to petitions received “repeate...