
Showing posts with the label Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

San Francisco’s archbishop: a sanguine defense of the Church, so unusual for his kind.

Archbishop Cordileone is that extraordinary thing today: a faithful, believing bishop and one with brains a plenty. He is not afraid to go into bat for Christ's Church, and when he does, he writes with real flair and aplomb.  The faithful, erudite, Fr Perricone comments in Crisis : Pentecostal fire still burns   brightly in San Francisco.   It blazes from the episcopal throne of Archbishop Cordileone, most recently in his  exceptional editorial  in the  Wall Street Journal . He trumpets a sanguine defense of the Church, so unusual for his kind. But it is not the first time he has broken ranks with the greater number of his episcopal confreres (the Pelosi affair comes to mind).   Not to put too fine a point on it, but with studied prudence and a marked fidelity to the duty of a Successor to the Apostles he has governed the See of San Francisco with the steadiness of St. Cyprian or St. Denis. With the Apostolic persistence of St. Athanasius, th...