The Speaking Tour of a "silenced" Priest

Tony Flannery is an Irish Redemptorist Priest who gives the whole order a bad name. Why? Because he consistently and emphatically repudiates Catholic teaching and encourages the notion that all opinions are valid, his most of all, and that the Church misleads its flock. I worry for him in an eternal sense, I really do. I also weep for all the good, hard work done by so many priests which Flannery undoes. Someone like this does untold damage. So much so that I have blogged about him several times, most recently here , when Cardinal Lavada, former prefect of the Vatican’s CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) dismissed Flannery's claims that he was shouted down about married priests and conscience, and cites Flannery's blatant and published heresy as the reason the CDF were forced to intervene. This weekend, in a most Gospel appropriate article for Aleteia , Greg Daly twists a whip of chords and presents an important profile of the determined heretic who stands c...