About the Author

I am a man, a father, a husband and a Christian: someone who believes that the truth about our existence has been revealed to us most fully in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion. Christians believe he is the Incarnation of God the Son and the awaited messiah (the Christ), prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.

De Omnibus Dubitandem Est

The title of my blog is the same as a book written by the Danish philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard which translates to "everything must be doubted". The book portrays the existential consequences of assuming Cartesian doubt, the method of modern philosophy, to its last consequences. Everything Must be Doubted. It is healthy to be a sceptic, but only up to a point.

I have grown up with big questions which have followed me my whole life. This blog constitutes my Christian witness. Through it I want to show you the great gift of faith that has been given to me. I want to share how it is possible - even preferable - to live an orthodox Catholic life in today's world and how happy this makes me. If you read it, I hope you will see how faith seeks understanding, as I wrestle with a wide range of issues that effect my life, unafraid of the controversy and always seeking to serve truth and our Lord.

These days I am a scarred and often weary pilgrim on life’s journey. I have walked a fair way and seen too much, I fear, of the tragedy that can and all too often does envelope our human condition. I am a dreamer, a doubter, a questioner, a restless mind looking for answers. Once was on a journey to faith, now I journey very much in faith, working out my salvation in fear & trembling (Phil 2:12).

If you follow and read my blog, you will find yourself on that journey with me to some extent.

It is said that these days, people want proof and question everything. In the old days they just accepted. I think the opposite could, in fact, be true. These days we are spoon fed information through the tv and the internet, and we uncritically accept it as fact. We live in an age of disinformation and we need to tune out the noise sometimes and listen to the truth.

I have the most amazing companion to travel with on life's journey, the love of my life, who I met in 1989 and married in 1995. She is the whole world and a real inspiration to me as well as my rock, a support and a guide. It is extraordinary to be part of a relationship that matures with age. I love her more every year that passes, our souls seem to inter-twine, our roots grow more entangled and our marriage grows stronger and stronger.

I feel I am still a father of five children, three boys and and two girls, although my first born little girl, the absolute apple of my eye, has left us now. Bereavement isn't something you get over, just something you learn to live with, and sometimes, when I get maudlin, I share it here. My greatest hope is that I will hold her tightly in my arms again some day when every tear will be wiped away, I look forward to that day with a deep longing. Not a minute passes that she is not in my thoughts, I miss her with my whole being.

The Boys; Mike, Will & John.

My sons are awesome, I love them so very much and I am very proud to be their dad. They are growing up into fine young men. We were blessed with another Child in July 2012, a daughter by God's grace, to help heal our broken hearts. 

I'm a Catholic, which, I think, means I love life to the fullest and love people, all people, with compassion for their personal circumstances and hope for the gift of salvation which God has bestowed on all of us. I want to love God and love my neighbour and to be the best husband, father, friend, colleague I can be.

You can follow me on Twitter: @sitsio


  1. I've only just come across your blog. There's a lot of brilliant stuff! Please do keep it up!

  2. Well this is just lush, bless you and praying for your daughter and all the fam plodding on in joy :)

  3. Love this! Thank you.

  4. O man! I am like the sheep in clover. Even the titles displayed in brief initial scroll to here now aren't the BBC feed. Linked here btw from Catholic Unscripted. fraternal back slap Amen.

  5. A technical point .... and to the extent of my limited knowledge ..... is the blog title technically correct? Only that possibly Omnia Dubitanda besides less words means simply - everything is doublful/dubious/should be doubted/must be doubted. Or more broadly interpreted as Everything should be examined critically analytically impersonally.
    Prefixing with De is commonly seen in the title of Latin publications, rendered in English as "on" as in Lucretius: On the Nature of Things - "De Rerum Natura", ..... and again ............... +Aquinas: On/About the Principles of Nature "De Principiis Naturae".
    Forgive this presumption, please, and discard painlessly.

    1. Welcome! Yes it is as it is the title of a book written by Søren Kierkegaard, which was published posthumously. The book portrays the existential consequences of assuming Cartesian doubt, the method of modern philosophy, to its last consequences.

    2. Right, :) and thanks for the welcome here..

  6. Mark, I am in need of your help and advice. I left a message on X as couldn’t find direct email anywhere.


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