
Showing posts with the label Vocations Sunday

How to Discern Your Vocation

Father Mike Schmitz is a priest I have been introduced to through the wonderful Chosen Confirmation programme I am currently running in the Parish. He is one of a number of excellent presenters that are involved with this exciting and accessible programme for teens. This video is Father Mike's infallible guide to discerning your vocation, which I thought might be worth sharing for Vocations Sunday:

Homily for Vocations Sunday

I have to say that I found Fr. Kevin's homily particularly moving today, so much so that I wanted to be a priest by the end of it! He invoked the Curé of Ars in his exposition of the priesthood for Vocations Sunday and the words stopped me in my tracks. Lots of fellow parishioners and parishioners from surrounding parishes often comment to me on Fr. Kevin's homilies; that they are instructive, that they recognise the faith being preached (the kerygma ), that they inspire, and that they make you think. Today's homily certainly made me think. By kind permission, he has allowed me to share it with you all here to read, reflect and pray on. I hope you find it inspiring and that it inspires you to pray for our priests and bishops: On Tuesday one of my oldest friends is going to be consecrated a Bishop; he will become the new Auxiliary in Birmingham. I am sure it will be a moment full of rather mixed emotions: we’ve know each other since we were students and seeing someon...