A prayerful insight into building the Kingdom

While praying this morning, I had an insight into why it is important to be authentic & clear in our Christian faith - & it might sound completely obvious to you, but it was somewhat of a revelation to me in a really personal way. In some ways, this insight has been driven by a number of separate encounters I've had over the last day or so. These are the "elements" of my insight if you like: The first is the ongoing Vatican debacle and the confusion and pain I see everywhere caused by Pope Francis. The Keys have always been a completely unproblematic part of my faith up until this point when it seems Peter has abandoned Jesus and is not very clear about where he is actually going. Obviously there are a lot of things going on. Perhaps this tweet yesterday summed it up: Leader of @USCCB shuts gate after horse has bolted https://t.co/eiZUVJK5oX — Mark (@sitsio) November 18, 2020 The US Bishops remain silent leading up to the election, rush to congratulate Biden be...