Stop the Anglicans Desecrating Canterbury Cathedral!

"My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of robbers.” Matthew 21:12-13 Or, in this case, ravers. In February 2024, a silent disco will take place over two nights in the nave of Canterbury Cathedral. It is a strictly 18+ event, featuring plenty of alcohol and the music of the 90’s: Britney, Spice Girls, Eminem and the Vengaboys. Everyone likes a Silent Disco, but its place is in a nightclub, not in Canterbury Cathedral. Some people think that opposing this latest embarrassment is pointless, what with all the other mistakes of the C of E of late. They also say, "who cares, it hasn't been a sacred space since the reformation really, since true Eucharistic worship ceased". They would be wrong on both counts. While opposing the deeper theological descent into madness of the Anglicans may indeed be fruitless, the sheer hubris of this desecration is clear for all withinamd without the church to see. Everyone, religious or not, has a sense of ...