
Showing posts with the label gaudiem et spes

Following our Conscience

When the Second Vatican Council uses the word “Conscience” it means an “Informed Conscience” - i.e. one that has been formed in accordance with the teachings of Christ and His Church. “Conscience” for a Catholic is not subjective and is not merely the desire of an individual to follow his/her own inclinations—which may indeed be disordered or sinful. Gaudium et Spes refers to conscience as being guided by “the objective standards of moral conduct” and “a law inscribed in the heart by God” ( GS 16). Moreover Vatican II also states that although “it often happens that conscience goes astray through ignorance which it is unable to avoid, without thereby losing its dignity. This CANNOT be said of the man (or woman) who takes little trouble to find out what is true and good, OR when conscience is by degrees almost blinded through THE HABIT OF COMMITTING SIN.” ( GS 16). It is therefore not very surprising that a number of the people who have signed this Open Letter h...

Suffering and The Philippines

I found this video from Rome Reports and the very moving speech of Cardinal Tagle, touched me deeply today. Cardinal Tagle is someone who I think is a real superstar. Of course it is an age old question, and the Pope's treatment of the quandary is very honest and moving in this short clip. He and Cardinal Tagle are clearly moved to tears, and the Pope's immediate reaction is compassion and to comfort his friend. To show solidarity and to love. Could there be a more Christian response to tragedy? Isn't this what we have seen in the days since the terrible, unstoppable nightmare that unfolded on the islands? A huge outpouring of solidarity from the world, compassion for our brothers and sisters, empathy, and shared grief? Such events present us with opportunities to renew the bonds we share as a world-wide family and remind us what it means to be human. What is really important. They also create heroes, stories of incredible triumph over adversity, tremendous ...

Women Bishops & The End of Anglo-Catholicism.

The Synod, where the Church of England continue to reject explicitly any jurisdiction of the Holy See over them, and move continually further away from the beliefs held by the whole of Christendom in an unbroken and immemorial tradition. Well done chaps. There's an 'open letter' in the Independent today which purportedly puts the Biblical case for women bishops. Of course as a Catholic, this does not, nor can it ever affect me. Pope John Paul II declared the question closed in his letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis , stating: "Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance…I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgement is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful." - John Paul II in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis , cf. Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici (30 December 1988), 31. This teaching on the restriction of ordination to men i...