
Showing posts with the label The World Over Live

Synodal Dumpster Fire

Incredulity at the diabolical Synod process grows. Odious sycophantic Cardinal Grech spouts banalities. "A correct reception of the Council's ecclesiology is activating such fruitful processes as to open up scenarios that not even the Council had imagined and in which the action of the Spirit that guides the Church is made manifest" @GrechMario at @unilateranense #synod — (@Synod_va) October 5, 2022 What "spirit" is he referring to because it doesn't seem to be the Holy Spirit! Is he seriously suggesting that the "fruit of the council" is to change the faith? I just can't believe Mario Grech - the notorious bully & abuse cover up artist from the tiny island of Gozo (where I usually holiday with my family) is now in charge of the tautologous utter disaster that is the synod on synodality. But at least shining a light on this moron shows the world how thick he is, and I'm not the only person who i...

If the “Olson’s” of the Church are turning on Bergoglio he is really in trouble!

On this recent episode of EWTN's The World Over , we find some typical responses to the latest Papal confusion.  As Raymond Arroyo points out, the function & purpose of the meeting with the Pope was for Biden to demonstrate clearly that you can be a good Catholic receiving communion and yet openly promote and support abortion. Interesting that Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth, Texas, a man with a terrible reputation , certainly not any sort of traditionalist or well known for orthodoxy, has been vocal in calling out the deliberate confusion being caused by the Pope in direct contradiction to his proper function as the very point of unity & clarity for Christians. Interesting. If the “Olson’s” of the Church are turning on Bergoglio he is really in trouble! Olson himself is a scandalous creep. @LepantoInst — Chris Ekstrom (@ekstromfortexas) November 11, 2021 Biden pushes the most extreme measures on abortion and is facing sanction from his own bishops at home so it is impo...

Francis the Destroyer

What is wrong with the Catholic Church? After eight years of Pope Francis, a more appropriate question might be what is left? The "Synod on Synodality" seems the perfect expression of this papacy. A confusing, nonsensical navel gazing exercise with cartoonish logo and undecipherable documentation.  The Vatican has now LITERALLY taken to producing documents in crayon! God help us! — Lepanto Institute (@LepantoInst) September 9, 2021 All the spurious wording about the Holy Spirit being present and leading us into "surprises" are all old and too familiar euphemisms for the changes which boil down to a whitewashing of Catholic teaching which have wrought so much damage on the Church in the name of " The Spirit of Vatican II ". All these changes have been tried and tested in other Christian denominations and the devastating results are well documented. So why are the Pope and his co-conspirators pushing ahead down this road to destr...

Papal Posse on Traditiones Custodes

In this World Over Live episode, Cardinal Mueller, Cardinal Burke & the Papal Posse all discuss the moves by Pope Francis to ban the Mass of Ages.

EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo Interviews Archbishop Viganò About McCarrick Report

  The interview has been transcribed and is posted in full at the National Catholic Register , this is the text: More than any other person except for Theodore McCarrick himself, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is responsible for triggering the 449-page Vatican report released this week that details what other Church leaders knew about the disgraced ex-cardinal’s decades-long pattern of sexual misconduct, and the actions they took or failed to take with respect to what they had learned. As the report itself documents, the archbishop was the first senior Vatican figure to call concretely for action to be undertaken against McCarrick, at a time when Archbishop Viganò was serving as a senior official in the Secretariat of State. Then, after the archbishop was subsequently posted to Washington as the U.S. nuncio from 2011 to 2016, he was again involved with the Vatican’s handling of the McCarrick file. And in August 2018, Archbishop Viganò released his initial 11-page “testimony” regardi...

The Pope "Causing Grave Scandal to the Faithful"

The full episode of The World Over Live from last night where they discuss the crisis the Pope's remarks over civil unions have caused: The Pope has caused great scandal here: he is at ease with homosexual couples living together and committing sin. As Father Murray points out, this is a very sad day because it is a Pope causing grave scandal to the faithful. The discussion online has moved on from "did he or didn't he" - it's now more "he was being pastoral" versus "he's leading people away from the faith". You might remember I wrongly said he didn't , the Vatican then confirmed he did . This was me trying to think the best of the Pope and not immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusion. You see, along with most of you I imagine, I desperately want the Pope to be excellent. To hold and explain the good news about Jesus Christ and what He came to do. I want him to spread the joy of the Gospel and the excitement that comes wit...

Cardinal Burke staged the moon landings

Watch Dr Damian Thompson on the claims of loony papal tailgaters that Cardinal Burke, not ze Germanz are causing a schism: Please check out my website for a wide range of gardening equipment hand and power tools and welding equipment:

Head of Ignatius Press: Pope Must respond to Heresy Charges

Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ, the founder and editor of Ignatius Press is a rare thing these days: someone who doesn't pass rash judgement and gives a fair commentary, in this instance on the subject of the Open Letter to bishops accusing Pope Francis of heresy . Fr Fessio says in this interview that these statements are carefully made and require a response from the Pope or on his behalf. Many of those criticising the authors of the letter seem concerned with the undoubted damage that such accusations do to the office of the Pope. But it seems clear to me that the damage is being done by the Pope, and the Pope has not offered any clarifications of any questions asked of him up to now. As Fr. Fessio so correctly asserts in this interview: "Certainly no one in his right mind can deny there is ambiguity nor that people are using what the Pope has said to forward positions which are false or heretical or contradictory so there is confusion, anyone who says there is no confusion...

A Decade Ago...The Cardinal Who Would be Pope.

This is really fascinating and well worth watching. A decade ago, and just two years before he became Pope, EWTN's Raymond Arroyo interviewed the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who had been Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith for 22 years. The CDF, previously known as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition (wherefrom arose the names Roman Inquisition or Holy Inquisition popularly used in reference to the 16th century tribunals against witchcraft and heresy), and after 1904 called the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, is the oldest of the nine congregations of the Roman Curia. Among the most active of the congregations, it oversees Catholic Church doctrine. Its offices are housed at the Palace of the Holy Office at the Vatican. What we see here is Joseph Ratzinger before he became Pope, speaking about liturgy, about his vision for the future, about the sex abuse scandal, about the Papacy of John Paul II, and abou...