Author of The Dictator Pope comes out of the shadows

The Italian publication La Verità has secured an interesting interview with the author of The Dictator Pope , the pseudonymous Marcantonio Colonna. "It was necessary to use a pseudonym because, as the book tells us, Pope Francis takes merciless revenge on those who oppose him. For example, the three assistants of Cardinal Müller who were dismissed in October 2016 for alleged criticism of the Pope."~Colonna In this interview, Colonna says that the media image of Pope Francis is one of the most amazing scams of contemporary life. All who work in the Vatican know the abyss between that image and reality and we should not be surprised that someone eventually reveals the truth. Asked why he wrote the book, he explains that he intends it "to prevent the Church from making a similar error again. That is to elect as Pope a little-known cardinal who turns out to be very different from what he seemed." According to Colonna Pope Francis is "sovereign who exe...