
Showing posts with the label tuambabies

Tuam Babies at Bon Secours

As a person of Irish heritage, I feel drawn to comment on this, or at least to point my readers to some useful facts about this horrible story. It first broke in 2014 and I posted about it here , giving an eye witness account of the experience in the Bon Secours home.  Now with the release of the results of the investigation into the contents of the grave, the media storm has been re-ignited in full force ! What a great opportunity to beat the Church up! Caroline Farrow has done a great deal of work looking to forensically discover the truth behind the stories, see here . There is a lot of vicious hatred being poured out in the direction of the Catholic Church in Ireland at the moment as a result of this. No one seems particularly interested in the truth. Caroline says: One of my points is that while institutional cruelty did exist actually this order doesn't seem to have a bad reputation, like some of the other orders and interestingly, up until this scandal ...