
Showing posts with the label Amazon Synod

Steve Skojec - Amazon Aftermath

Another really long video, this time from Steve Skojec of 1 Peter Five , looking at the aftermath of the Amazonian Synod with in depth coverage of the bad things and the positive things to come out of this shocking synod. Steve always brings his own humour to these presentations, as well as offering measured, prudent, and incisive commentary. Thank God for people like Steve who are joining the dots together on these things and can offer us a summary that analyses what's been going on and exposes some of the extraordinary nonsense, putting it in some sort of understandable context! Right at the beginning, he addresses the Scalfari stuff, which really is amazing when you stop and think about it. Even a rumour (and this is much more than that) that the pope denies the bodily Resurrection of Christ is such a scandalous thing, why on earth would the pope - for the sake of the faithful - get on camera ASAP & deny it, even use it as an opportunity to teach the truth of the hypo...

Destabilising Synod—Analysis from EWTN

Another outstanding & comprehensive synopsis of the Amazon Synod from Raymond Arroyo, Robert Royal & Fr Gerald Murray at EWTN. The Pope acknowledged the idols were "Pachamama" The posse asks how can we simply declare there was no idolatrous intent as Pope Francis did? How does that make it alright? Where was the theological dimension? This speaks to so much that goes on in Rome under Pope Francis. There was no definitive answer as to what the Pachamama idols were or where they came from or what their relevance or importance was. Instead, we were left to speculate — and there was a great deal of speculation! I think, like the vast majority of Catholics, I wanted this to be something the Pope didn't know about, something his poor management had allowed to happen, not something he wanted to happen. I even wrote about it, giving Francis the benefit of the doubt , desperately hoping he is on the side of Christ: What ensued was carnage really where even the po...

Cardinal Camillo Ruini Former VG of Rome: "It would be wrong to ordain married men"

I'm praying the idolatry synod has crossed a line for our sleepy bishops. There certainly seems to be a few more coming out of the woodwork to stand up to Pope Francis. The latest is Cardinal Camillo Ruini, who served as Vicar General of Rome for 17 years and was a close collaborator of St. John Paul II, has said he hopes Pope Francis will not allow an exception to priestly celibacy in the Amazon region. “In the Amazon, and also in other parts of the world, there is a serious shortage of priests, and Christian communities often remain deprived of the Mass,” Ruini, who was Vicar General of Rome from 1991 to 2008, said in a Nov. 3 interview with Italian daily Corriere della Sera. “It is understandable that there is a push to ordain married deacons as priests,” he continued. “It is in this sense most of the synod was in favor of ordaining married deacons to the priesthood.” “In my opinion, however, this is a wrong choice. And I hope and pray that the pope, in the upcoming...