
Showing posts with the label The Catholic Thing

Expert Discussion: 2023 The Fiducia Fiasco, Synodality, Fr Rupnik, and more

Don’t miss this candid, lively, and extended conversation with Fr. Gerald Murray, Diane Montagna, Edward Pentin, and TCT Editor-in-chief Robert Royal on the recent Vatican document on blessing same-sex “couples” (and the sharp reaction to it around the world), the year of synodality, the cases of Cardinal Burke, Fr. Rupnik, and Cardinal Becciu, Christian persecution, and prospects for the Church in 2024


  Writing in The Catholic Thing , Stephen P. White makes some great points regarding the recent exposé by The Pillar . I found his observations on the reaction of both the Vatican & the USCCB particularly interesting: "The Pillar analysis of mobile app data revealed some very unpleasant things. Rather than simply publishing the findings, The Pillar notified the relevant Church authorities and gave them a reasonable chance to formulate a constructive response, granting additional time when requested. Either the USCCB or the Secretariat of State (or both) clearly didn’t like what The Pillarhad to tell them. The response was to stall, leak parts of the story to other sympathetic news outlets, and then stonewall. I’ll leave it to communications directors and journalists to argue over whether this maneuvering was brilliant or slimy. What is clear is that this maneuver was meant to be punitive, to intimidate. This strategy was not to stop the story coming out – word of the story w...