
Showing posts with the label Sacra Liturgia

Sacra Liturgia: Meeting a Hero

Mgr Keith Newton presides at Pontifical High Mass for the closing of the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London. It was a busy week at work last week. I was keeping up with developments at the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London, although I wasn't able to attend myself. Some friends did though, and kept me informed regarding the content of the discussions. My Course Director from Maryvale, Fr Michael Cullinan, was one of the speakers. Delivering a talk on the ethical character of the mysteries . As well as Stephen Bullivant , Cardinal Robert Sarah ,  Mgr Andrew Burnham , among others. On Friday, I had to get up at 4am and drive to Chelsea to prepare for a job we have starting at a school there. My good friend Fr Jeff Woolnough suggested we head up to Warwick Street in the evening for the closing Mass of the Conference. Despite being really tired, I jumped at the chance. Any time spent with Fr Jeff is always a great encouragement, and the liturgy at Warwick Street is always upli...

Cardinal Sarah: Full Text

S acra Liturgia has now published the full version of the paper that Cardinal Sarah delivered at his inaugural address at Sacra Liturgia 2016. He did not have time to deliver the full text on the day, and so what we have seen so far is an abridged version. The full text can be accessed the Sacra Liturgia website, here .

Cardinal Sarah: "priests and the faithful turned together in the same direction – eastwards or at least towards the apse – to the Lord who comes"

Cardinal Sarah speaking at Sacra Liturgia, flanked by Bishop Dominique Rey (Photo by Lawrence Lew OP) On June 4th, you may remember this post , which referred to the fact that Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments  had called for priests to say Mass facing East, in the time honoured manner, so that both the celebrant and the people face God to whom they pray: "As soon as we reach the moment when one addresses God—from the offertory onwards—it is essential that the priest & faithful look together towards the east." Yesterday saw the beginning of the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London where the opening address was from Cardinal Sarah. Much of what he said has been posted in chunks on their FB page here . But Dom Hugh Somerville-Knapman has an excellent report on the day here . The big news is that Cardinal Sarah reaffirmed his call to celebrate Mass facing East. The Cardinal, the highest authori...

Fr. Hugh Thwaites: "Rome cannot feed her children with poison"

Fr. Hugh Thwaites, S.J. I was struck this morning by this quote shared on Facebook by the wonderful Rhos Thomas . She is an inspirational young Catholic who is part of a growing number of young, faithful, traditionalists, who really impress me with their depth of knowledge and commitment. Rhos discovered this article by the much loved and respected priest Fr. Hugh Thwaites S.J. Rhos states: "Fr Thwaites had an amazing gift for explaining ideas in a way which anyone can understand. Please God, I hope I will get to heaven and meet him!"  Here is a particularly beautiful, yet simple explanation from the article: "There is nothing wrong with the new rite. Rome cannot feed her children with poison. But the new rite of Mass does not give us what we need. Michael Davies' analogy is helpful here. If a doctor tells a couple that their child need milk every day, and they give the child only water, the child may not live. There is nothing wrong with water. Bu...