
Showing posts with the label Hebrews 2:14-18

Christ, the Light to Enlighten the Gentiles

James Tissot—The Presentation of Jesus in the temple Today is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. As this forms the reflection for one of the Joyful mysteries of the Holy Rosary, it is an event which I find I reflect on regularly. With the arrival of this feast, we find the glorious season of Christmas draws to its close: we think of Jesus the Light of the World, the one who illuminates the darkness of men's hearts. We sum up all the rejoicing and wonder of this season of perfect joy: the mysterious expectancy of Advent, the actual coming of the LORD in His Nativity, the revelation of His saving mission to all the peoples of the world in the Epiphany, and the healing work of His public ministry begun at His Baptism. Always, we must herald His coming into the world, into our hearts, as the expectant pledge of His final coming in glory: we do this today in our procession of candles, as we become light-bearers for the Light of the World, who is Light from Light. We rem...