
Showing posts with the label Dr Jane Barton

Gosport - In The Vacuum of Catholic Teaching, One Man Stands Alone

Shockingly, at Gosport hospital it has been revealed that Dr Jane Barton has been implicated in the deaths of 656 patients. A report has now been published which describes an institutionalised practice and urges police to act. The Times has a good article on the scandal here  (behind a paywall unfortunately), but it does say: Caroline Farrow made this very apposite comment on Facebook: "650 people were killed prematurely in Gosport Memorial hospital. 650 people. Junior whistleblowers silenced for their impudence. Difficult patients bumped off. These were the actual findings of the enquiry. Yet because the patients were elderly, no-one seems all that bothered. Certainly the authorities aren’t interested in prosecution and the legal system complicit in protecting Dr Jane Barton. The culture was rotten. Why are we assuming that this was confined to Gosport. Especially when we hear that the syringe drivers were known to be hazardous & linked with fatal overd...