
Showing posts with the label creed

Lord, Teach us How to Pray?

This afternoon's Confirmation Class will be on Prayer & The Sacraments. We are following the course "I Have Chosen You" by Joseph Moore, which has an extensive section on prayer which focuses on the Creed. I think this is an important part of any confirmation course. We live in a world where truth is usually considered provisional and changeable. “Dogmatism” is almost a dirty word. “Acceptance” is the order of the day, where everyone is considered free to hold any opinion he or she chooses, in a pluralist society. Dogma for Catholics is the foundation of faith. The dogmas of the faith are enshrined in Creeds, about which St. Ambrose wrote “This Creed is the spiritual seal, our hearts meditation and ever-present guardian; it is, unquestionably, the treasure of our soul” ( See CCC 197) Of course we say a Creed every Sunday at Mass, but how often do we really think about what it means or where it came from? The Nicene Creed was agree on by a Council of the Church ...

On Different Creeds...

A few people have asked me why we have changed from the Niceno‐Constantinopolitan Creed to the Apostle's Creed during Lent and Easter. The rubric found in the Roman Missal for the Order of Mass, 19, stipulates that: Instead of the Niceno‐Constantinopolitan Creed, especially during Lent and Easter Time, the baptismal Symbol of the Roman Church, known as the Apostles’ Creed, may be used. The reason this option is recommended particularly for Lent/Easter Time is because of its close relationship with Baptism. The Apostles’ Creed is the basis for the baptismal promises made by the elect before they are baptised. It is also used for the renewal of baptismal promises at Easter and by parents and Godparents when bringing a child for Baptism. Throughout history the Church has used a kind of shorthand to enable members to summarise all the important elements of their faith in unity with each other. These syntheses are called “Professions of Faith” because they contain a summary o...