Henry Sire Interview

Over at Gloria.tv there's a really informative and interesting interview with Henry Sire, former Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and author of the book The Dictator Pop e, which contains a summary of the work that many journalists had already done analysing the abuses and blunders of Francis's rule. In it Sire uses the insights of Argentinians who knew exactly what Bergoglio was like, insights which, owing to the language barrier, had not been made known in the English-speaking world. Spanish-born, Sire's familiarity with Spanish culture provides him with a particular insight into the Argentinian Pope's strategy and motives. Sire asserts that Bergoglio is a classic product of Argentinian society, which is a caricature of Spanish society with special elements such as Peronism added. Essentially, those who try to understand Bergoglio from the standards of Anglo-Saxon or Germanic decency and correct conduct find themselves struggling to grasp the culture ...