
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Wilfred Napier

Cardinal Napier launches an unprovoked attack on Raymond Arroyo of EWTN

Today there's been a bit of a Twitter Storm (when isn't there if we're honest) about this Tweet from Cardinal Napier: “The World Over” hosted by Raymond Aroyo is like a throwback to the 1960’s & 70’s, when Ian Paisley & his ilk were fulminating against the Catholic Faith in general, & Pope Francis in particular! I’ve still to hear a programme that does report negatively on or attack the Pope! — Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) December 3, 2018 It is widely rumoured that there is a bit of a campaign against Arroyo, who has been reporting goings on at the Vatican in a very clear, straight-forward way, without any gloss whatsoever. Cardinal Napier is known for being rigorist in defending Pope Francis. He tends to take a legalistic approach and demands specific evidence. This in direct contrast to this particular Tweet attacking Arroyo, which offers no evidence and seems plainly political in its motivation. Could this be anything other than bare-faced ca...

Confused Cardinals

Up until last week, a number of people who, deeply honourably in my opinion, wish to defend Pope Francis, were arguing that the Pope's comments regarding the interpretation of Amoris Laetitia forwarded by the bishops of Buenos Aires was a leaked document and thus could not be regarded as authoritative in any way: Last year, when I presented overwhelming evidence that the Pope had written that letter, Card. Napier kept denying it. - Very frustrating. — J. Royale (@Game_of_Jane) August 26, 2017 To me, this position appeared very shaky. It has been clear for some time the direction of travel, as detailed here . The posturing of the German Church since the 70's, lead by Cardinal Kasper, in an attempt to modify the pastoral practice of the Church. Pope Francis' consistent promotion of Cardinal Kasper. Pope Francis' displeasure at the outcome of the synod process. The rushed publication of an overly long & complex document. The startling omission of Veri...

Existential Consequences of Amoris Laetitia & Theological Issues

Further to my post yesterday  a friend commented that Cardinal Napier had recently addressed the question of the damage being done to the body of Christ by Amoris Laetitia in the following tweet: The Incoherence of "Just Clarify Amoris! Answer the Dubia!" Interesting counterpoint to Dubia promoters! — Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) August 10, 2017 The article promoted by the Cardinal, written by Scott Eric Alt, does not address the issue I was raising in this post , namely that we have an actual, physical division with regard to Amoris Laetitia due to differing interpretations and applications by different bishop's conferences (for example, the Maltese   contra Portsmouth diocese ). The Dominican scholar, Fr Thomas Petri sees this immediately: I think the real issue is not about answering dubia but correcting mutually exclusive opposing interpretions of AL by bishops & conferences. — Fr. Thomas Petri, OP (@PetriOP) August 10...