
Showing posts with the label Abortion Review

Paralympic Mass in Southwark

Here are some pictures of the Paralympic Mass held at St. George's Cathedral, Southwark on Saturday 8th September. My Bishop, Thomas McMahon, Bishop of Brentwood, con-celebrated Mass along with Archbishop Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster. Archbishop of Southwark, Peter Smith presided. Between them the three bishops represent the Roman Catholic dioceses that cover Greater London. In his homily Archbishop Smith praised the "inspiring" competitors at the games and the selfless volunteers who had made the event possible. " Overall, my impression was that the games radiated generosity, goodness and achievement; a vision of the values and attitudes that can build up and renew society at large – a society in which everyone is welcome, everyone is respected whatever their abilities and disabilities and everybody has a real hope and aspiration of living a more fulfilled life ," he said. The Archbishop also paid tribute to the Dockhead Choi...