ACTA Hero Hans Küng's Final Act of Defiance?

It's hard to do anything but shake one's head at the unbelievable arrogance of muddle-headed hippy, Hans Küng. It wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't so shouty. But he is. Very shouty. For me, his shoutiness means that unless there is a voice to put his opinions in some sort of proper context, all the faithful hear is dissidents and schismatics seeking to diminish the faith, like The Tablet , The ACP and ACTA expressing how heroic he is and describing his position as a much respected theologian, and such like. Of course ACTA and The Tablet love him! He is their leader!! Probably this stems from his consistent opposition to much of what the Church teaches and most recently, and most vocally, Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI's papacy. In 2012, Küng called for open revolt to unseat Pope Benedict, which, of course, went nowhere. Because the only people listening are people his age, who stand against the transformative truth of an authentic, orthodox, Catholic li...